Online Lawyer and Remote Legal Advice
Wolfenson Abogados provides its clients with comprehensive online advice with the help of digital tools.
Advances in technology in recent decades has been the greatest in history. The possibility of contacting people and clients in all parts of the world with a single click, has facilitated national and international relations and also the possibility of contacting expert legal professionals in all areas.
It is in this way that Wolfenson Abogados is a firm that becomes part of the legal change in the country and the world. Integrating the leading platforms in remote work or telework , using them optimally to maintain constant and close contact with our clients . The best way to achieve extraordinary results when hiring a lawyer is to have the security and peace of mind of being able to contact him at all times. Getting in touch with a specialist lawyer is not the same when he or she properly handles social media from a distance or not. The legal offer of our firm is unique , offering the possibility of contacting by videoconference and at no cost to our clients, online legal consultations in their operations in Chile and abroad.
Wolfenson Abogados connects with its clients in Santiago ( in all its communes, Santiago Centro, Las Condes, Vitacura, Lo Barnechea and La Dehesa, Chicureo and Colina, Huechuraba, La Reina, Peñalolen, Ñuñoa, Macul, among others ), in the north and southern Chile , but also abroad. All thanks to remote legal advice online. With a competitive legal offer, always delivering the best benefits and agreements in legal advice for our clients.
The COVID 19 pandemic has made it possible to develop online contact tools with our customers more efficiently and effectively. Through the use of globally recognized platforms such as Zoom , Skype, Whats App, among others; we have brought justice and legal solutions to Chile . Because we focus on quality legal advice , distinguished by its focus on the needs of a modern client, who lives connected day and night with legal matters and who needs his lawyers to be too.
If you need more information and direct legal advice via online or videoconference (online lawyer), we invite you to contact our lawyers. We are located at Avenida Apoquindo 2930 in the commune of Las Condes, Santiago.