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Civil Law

We defend the patrimony, the businesses and projects of our clients.


Daily life and projects developments, carry countless legal challenges. Obligations, promises, agreements, contracts and the protection of personal and family property require a professional and rigorous legal advice. Wolfenson advocates taking care of what belongs to them and making their business progress, representing our clients - natural and legal persons - in judicial and extrajudicial fields.


We provide effective protection to the property and businesses of our clients.

Some of the subjects that are understood included in this area are:

  • Drafting Documents and Contracts

  • Mediation and Prevention of Conflicts

  • Representation and Judicial Litigation

  • Heritage

  • Title Study

  • Eecution of Credit Titles

  • Rental Trials

  • Civil Action, Liability and Compensations of Injuries

  • Real Estate Consulting


  • Consumer and Advertising Law

  • Traffic Accidents


  • Responsible Pet Ownership

  • Debtor Defense

  • Others.

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Av. El Golf 40, 12 Floor, Las Condes, Santiago.
Email.  Phone. +56 2 2933 0384  Phone. +56 9 9884 1289
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